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Acne C,任玥个人资料鸭仔兵团are Beauty

  • 来源:互联网
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  • 2017-03-02
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Building an Acne Care Regimen

If you're faced with acne, it's important that you start following a complete daily acne care regimen. Sticking to an acne care routine will help you to promote a healthier complexion that is less likely to suffer from breakouts. An acne care regimen should start with a cleanser that will remove impurities from your skin before they can end up trapped in your pores.

Using a toner after cleansing can help refine your pores to address blockages and help to regulate skin oil production. After using your preferred acne treatments, you can finish your regimen with a moisturizing acne face lotion to keep your skin properly hydrated. You can use the menu at the left to shop for all of the basics for an acne care regimen or to check out complete acne kits that provide all of the essentials for a daily routine in one convenient package.

Spot Treatment Solutions for Dealing with Blemishes

When pimples arise, spot treatments are the products that you can rely on to speed up healing. In most spot treatments, one of the four FDA-approved over-the-counter medications for acne are used as active ingredients. These medications are resorcinol, benzoyl peroxide, sulfur and salicylic acid.

Spot treatments are offered in a wide array of forms from patches that you wear overnight to sticks that you dot onto blemishes to creams and gels that you can smooth over an entire acne-prone area. While you wait to see results from spot treatments, blemish concealers can help make acne more difficult to notice. Bothered by blackheads rather than whiteheads? You can try pore strips, which help to remove blockages from the pores.

Treatments for Promoting a Clearer Complexion

With the right acne treatments, you can help decrease the risk of future breakouts. Acne masks and scrubs can help to keep your pores clearer. It’s important to only use a scrub on clear skin. Never use a scrub on active breakouts.

Medicated pads allow you to apply an FDA-approved acne medication to your entire complexion to promote clearer pores and address existing pimples. You can also find acne face lotions, creams and gels that are made to be applied to the entire complexion to assist with breakout control.

Other Ways to Battle Blemishes

When a conventional acne care regimen alone isn't enough to completely clear the complexion, you can combine other acne care solutions with your daily routine to enhance its effectiveness. More severe acne may need to be treated with oral antibiotics or prescription-strength creams or lotions, so talk to your dermatologist if over the counter products are not working for you.
